Our mission is to provide our clients with the best product using the excellence at every stage of production. In fact the ways of approaching the cultivation, processing and packaging of our rice are based on the respect for the land and its traditions, combined with those innovations useful for improving and optimizing the crop.

We strongly believe that a product must combine quality at the right price. This philosophy has pushed us to never compromise, always selecting the best raw materials.

Our staff is fully aware of our goals and always informed on the main company strategies. This is because we believe it is central to our success to have a team that is motivated and passionate about their work, as we believe this turns into an important value for our customers.

AnFed Agri invests part of the profits in business expansions, research and development, training and equipment.

The goal of AnFed Agri is to consolidate its position on the market, through a process focused on the following key points:

  • Continuous improvement of quality, to make it more and more consistent with customer needs.
  • To have an adequate level of training, professionalism and availability of internal staff.
  • To the commitment and compliance with applicable legal constraints.
  • The achievement of measurable objectives.
  • To minimize the environmental impact, prevent pollution and fulfill compliance obligations.

Black plum jam

Strawberry jam

Compared to wheat flour, it does not contain gluten and it has a higher quantity of starches compared to proteins and fats and a lower humidity. It has a delicate flavor and is very light. It can be used as a thickener, for sauces and soups, in the preparation of cakes, sponge cake, pies, biscuits and it’s excellent for flouring, because it makes your fry more crispy. It is ideal to replace wheat flour in case of celiac disease and intolerances.


La nostra farina


Whole Original Il Cardinale Rice Flour

Whole Original Il Cardinale Rice Flour

Whole Original Aromatic Il Moro Rice Flour

Whole Original Aromatic Il Moro Rice Flour

Carnaroli Classico Rice Flour

Carnaroli Classico Rice Flour

Plum and ginger jam

Yellow plum jam

Apple and kiwi jam

Wild berry jam

Cherry jam

Peach jam

Our jam is the result of our passion and the research we put into everything we do.
It contains no dyes, preservatives and pectins but only 120% of fruit, sugar and lemon.
It’s limited edition, it follows meticulously the seasonality of the fruits and comes only from our trees, cultivated with love on our farm.



Black plum jam

Black plum jam

Strawberry jam

Strawberry jam

Plum and ginger jam

Plum and ginger jam

Yellow plum jam

Yellow plum jam

Apple and kiwi jam

Apple and kiwi jam

Wild berry jam

Wild berry jam

Cherry jam

Cherry jam

Peach jam

Peach jam

Whole Original Il Cardinale Rice Flour

Whole Original Aromatic Il Moro Rice Flour

Carnaroli Classico Rice Flour

Risotto Recipes

Rice Salads Recipes

Whole Grain Rice Recipes

Red Rice Recipes

Black Rice Recipes

White Rice Recipes

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In this page the modalities of administration of the website with reference to the treatment of personal data of the users who navigate it are described. The treatment is always based upon principles of legality and correctness in compliance with all law provisions currently in force and safety measures to safeguard the data are adopted.

This privacy policy is also given as brief informative pursuant to art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 and to art. 13 of the GDPR 679/2016 EU Regulation regarding privacy subject, as well as pursuant to the Regulation on cookies No. 229 of May 8, 2014: we wish to inform who visits the website about the use of the data inserted and about the cookies used by the same website. The informative is also given pursuant to the Recommendation No. 2/2001 adopted by the work Group incorporated by art. 29 of the Directive No. 95/46/EC to those who interact with web services of this website to the aim of protecting the personal data, accessible by informatics way from the address: www.risoacquaesole.it Using one of our services and/or accepting this Informative, for example in the context of the registration to one of our services, you give your consent to the collection and treatment of the personal information as described in this Informative.

1) Type of data treated

Navigation data
IT systems and software processes used for the functioning of this site will acquire some personal data from the computer user. Its transmission follows the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not acquired in order to identify the user, but it could by its nature be processed and associated with data held by third parties, allowing the owner of the connection being used to navigate the Internet to be identified. This data includes, for example, the IP address associated with the computer being used, the addresses in URI of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, numerical code indicating the state of the request provided by the server (completed, error etc) and other parameters regarding the OS and IT environment in use. This data, which is also associated with our registration account in the Google Analytics statistical system, are used with the sole purpose of compiling statistics on website use and to verify correct functioning. The data can also be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of malicious IT activities that have an adverse effect on the web site.

Data provided voluntarily
Voluntary transmission of email messages and the transmission of purchase orders of the products offered by An Fed will imply first of all the acquisition of your name, e-mail address, as well as information relating to the characteristics of the order made by you. Furthermore, during the purchase process further data will be requested aimed at invoicing, as well as for the destination of the shipment.

2) Information collected from third parties

We can also collect information regarding you from third parties, including information from our partners (trip agencies, airplane companies, payment cards) and from other partners; from social media services in coherence with your settings on such services; and from sources of third parties. We can add such information to those we already have in storage and share with others on the basis of the provisions of this informative.

3) Purpose of treatment of personal data

The treatment of your data is aimed at:

  1. Answering requests of information and/or advertising material and/or entering into and administrating the contractual relationship with An Fed. In this case the provision of your data is facultative but necessary to achieve the indicated finalities;
  2. To improve services and products offered by AnFed and to inform you of new services and products offered by AnFed or other companies with which AnFed has made commercial agreements.
  3. To allow AnFed to respond more effectively to your needs and to optimise its product offer and provision of other services (for example, requesting that you grade your degree of satisfaction with the quality of services offered through personal and telephone interviews, questionnaires etc.); Marketing purposes, such as developing market surveys and research carried out through personal or telephone interviews, questionnaires etc. Carrying out public relations activities. Providing further personal data that may be requested by AnFed for the purposes outlined above is optional. Any missing information may, in relation to the relationship between the data and the requested services, adversely affect optimal performance by AnFed;
  4. For purposes involving the obligations deriving from national or EU legal and/or regulatory requirements, or provisions enacted by authorities with total competence within the meaning of the law (anti-money laundering legislation, for example) and supervisory authorities. Providing personal data is obligatory and your consent is not needed to permit its treatment for these purposes.

3/1 Further finalities

The informative systems and the IT procedures aimed at the functioning of this website acquire during the normal exercise some personal data the transmission of which is implicit in the use of the internet communication protocol. Such information are not collected to be associated to identified interested persons, but for their same nature may, through elaborations and associations to data possessed by thirds, permit to identify the users.

The following data fall within such category: IP address and domain names of the computer used by the users who connect to the website , the addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the timing of the requests, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in answer, the numeric code indicating the state of the answer given by the server (error, positive result ecc.) and other parameters relating to the operative system and to the IT environment of the user.

These data are used to the exclusive aim of obtaining anonym statistic information regarding the use of the website and to control the correct functioning and are immediately deleted after the elaboration.

Such data may also be used to ascertain the responsibility in case of hypothetical cyber crimes towards the website.

4) Owner and the party responsible for the treatment of personal data

The owner and the party responsible for the treatment of personal data is the AnFed company, with registered office in Novara, Corso Torino 1/C, 28100, e-mail: anfedsegreteria@gmail.com, pec: anfedagrispa@pec.it, in the person of the legal representative. Anfed guarantees the safety, privacy and protection of your data in any phase of treatment of such data. AnFed will treat your data in line with all laws and regulations currently in force (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and GDPR 679/2016), observing the principles of honesty, transparency and the protection of your rights, with special reference to the right to privacy.

5) Location of treatment of personal data

Your data will be treated at the AnFed premises indicated in the previous paragraph.

6) Nature of the provision of data

For the finalities under point a) the provision of the data is facultative but if you do not provide the data it could be impossible to obtain what requested.

For the finalities under point b) the provision of the data is facultative and does not forbid the provision of the requested services.

For the finalities under point c) the provision of the data is mandatory and the treatment of the data for such finality does not require the consent of the user.

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8) Recipient of the data

No data deriving from the web service (navigation data above specified and cookies) are communicated and diffused (except for the communication to judicial or police bodies if necessary).

Data are treated by authorised personnel properly appointed in writing to data treatment (administrative staff and staff for relationships with the public also external to the company, staff in charge of the administration of the informative systems, also external to the company who may also carry out function of system administrator and are in such case appointed, staff of the marketing department, also external to the companies, interns, responsible of the treatment and their collaborators, subjects in charge in the specific department to whom a request is addressed, subjects in charge of the administration of the website, also external to the company, only if the treatment is necessary for carrying out their tasks doing exclusively the operations necessary for the carrying out of the same tasks).

Your data may also be treated by responsible of the treatment (also external companies that carry out activities of shipment, marketing, administration and maintenance of server). The external companies may treat data also through subjects properly in charge, appointed in writing who may carry out the same activities and treat the data for the same finalities for which the responsible subjects have been appointed by An Fed.

Data provided by the user may be communicated to the subjects for which an obligation of communications exist pursuant to law or a need of communication in order to action a fair right of the company before the competent bodies.

9) Timings of conservation

Your data are treated for the time necessary to carry out the requested service or for the time requested by the finalities indicated in this document.

You may always in any moment request the interruption of the treatment or the deletion and/or limitation of your data.

10) Transfer of your data

AnFed does not transfer your personal data to non-EU countries or to international organisation.

11) Revocation of consent

With reference to art. 23 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and art. 6 of GDPR 679/16, you may revoke your consent in any moment.

12) Your rights

With reference to art. 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 and to art. 15 “right of access”, art. 16 “right to rectify”, art. 17 “right of cancelation”, art. 18 “right of limitation to the treatment”, art. 20 “right of portability”, art. 21 “right of opposition” to the automated decisional process of GDPR 679/2016, you may exercise your rights writing to the Owner of the treatment to the following address: An Fed Agri S.r.l., Corso Torino 1/C 28100 Novara (NO); e-mail: anfedsegreteria@gmail.com, pec: anfedagrispa@pec.it.

13) Claim

You has the right to file a claim with the supervisory authority of your residence country.


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Are you looking for a rice to be consumed cold in the summer? Or a perfect one for your famous risotto?
Or one rich in fiber for light and fast recipes? You’re in the right place!
All our varieties of rice, 100% Italian from seed to grain, are ready to enhance all your recipes!


Our products


Original Aromatic Whole Grain Rice, Il Moro - Riso Acqua e Sole

Original Aromatic Whole Grain Rice, Il Moro

The ideal rice for the most original and alternative recipes. Its flavor will surprise you!
Original Whole Grain Rice, Il Cardinale - Riso Acqua e Sole

Original Whole Grain Rice, Il Cardinale

Still little known, but absolutely to be known for all its incredible virtues. Find out now!
Roma Rice - Riso Acqua e Sole

Roma Rice

A quality rice ideal for risotto, rice with sauce and flans.
Classic Sant’Andrea Rice - Riso Acqua e Sole

Classic Sant'Andrea Rice

A long grain rice to make risotto, but also rice soups. To try!
Arborio Rice - Riso Acqua e Sole

Arborio Rice

With its grains that remain perfectly al dente is ideal for risottos and timbale.
Classic Whole Grain Carnaroli Rice - Riso Acqua e Sole

Classic Whole Grain Carnaroli Rice

Same goodness, but many more fibers: for those who want to keep fit, even at the table.
Classic Carnaroli Rice 1 - Riso Acqua e Sole

Classic Carnaroli Rice

With the perfect grains of the "king of the rice" the success of your risotto is guaranteed.

Original Aromatic Whole Grain Rice, Il Moro

Original Whole Grain Rice, Il Cardinale

Roma Rice